Sikkerhet, imponerende resultater og langvarig effekt

Lege- og pasientundersøkelser viser at 90% av de som bruker Alpha-Stim® CES- og MET-enheter får betydelig lindring når de bruker apparatene mot smerte, angst, depresjon og søvnløshet. Dette støttes av over 100 gjennomførte uavhengige forskningsstudier og publiserte rapporter, hvorav mange er randomiserte kontrollerte studier for å sikre streng testing og klinisk validering av resultater for medisinsk utstyr.

Studiene kan også leses og lastes ned her.

Liste over studier og publikasjoner per november 2022:


Graphic Summary for Anxiety Studies – Download PDF

Randomized Controlled Trials

Park BS, Jin S, Kim WY, Kang DS, Choi YJ, Lee YS. Comparison of the effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation and midazolam as preoperative treatment in geriatric patients: A CONSORT-compliant randomized controlled trialMedicine (Baltimore). 2022 Sep 2; 101(35). Download Article

Liu, E., Zhang, W., Wang, J., Zhao, F., & Bai, Y. Acupuncture combined with cranial electrotherapy stimulation on generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trialChinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion. 2020; 40(11).

Ren, Y., Zhu, Y., Yang, J., & Ding, F. Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation on Anxiety and Sleep Qualities Among Elderly Patients with Chronic Sleep DisordersChinese Journal Modern Nursing. 2019; 25(24).

Roh, HT. & So, W-Y. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation affects mood state but not levels of peripheral neurotrophic factors or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation. Technology and health care: Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine. 2017; 25(3):403–412.

Ou, Y. & Li, C. Sertraline combined Alpha-Stim clinical observations on the treatment of 30 cases of generalized anxiety disorderChinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy. 2015; 24(17):73-75.

Hill, Nolan. The effects of alpha stimulation on induced anxiety. 2015. Digital Commons @ ACU, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 6. Download Article

LU Ling, HU Jun. A comparative study of anxiety disorders treatment with Paroxetine in combination with cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy. Medical Innovation of China, 11(08):080-082, 2014. Download Article in English or Download Article in Chinese

Kong, J., Wu, J., Jiang, X., et al. Treatment of Sleep Disorder with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Combined with Psychological Counseling in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Study. Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide. 2014; 921, 16(6):(Serial No.128).

Wei Y., Yang Z., Pan H., Zhao S-J., Fang J-Z. Clinical Efficacy of Assisted Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Treatment on Depression. Neural Injury and Functional Reconstruction. July 2014, 9(4):317.

Barclay TH, Barclay RD. A clinical trial of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for anxiety and comorbid depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014; 164:171-177. Presented at the American Psychological Association National Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2013. Download Article

Lee, S-H, Kim, W-Y, Lee C-H, Min, T-J, Lee Y-S, Kim J-H. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on preoperative anxiety, pain and endocrine response. Journal of International Medical Research. 2013; 41(6) 1788–1795. Download Article

Koleoso ON, Osionwo HO, Akkhigbe. The role of relaxation therapy and cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the management of dental anxiety in Nigeria. ISOR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2013; 10(4): 51-57Download Article

Qin, S., Sheng, J., Guo, W., Zhang, X. Curative effect of CES as adjuvant therapy on elderly patients with chronic insomniaPractical Geriatrics. 2013; Vol. 27, No. 5:399-402.

Strentzsch, Julie A. An examination of cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) on alpha-amylase levels, cortisol levels and state-trait anxiety scores in the chronically mentally ill. Doctoral Dissertation. 2008. Saint Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas.

Mellen, Ronald R. and Mackey, Wade. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) and the reduction of stress symptoms in a sheriff’s jail security and patrol officer population: a pilot study. American Jails. 2008; 22(5): 32-38Download Article

Kim, Hyun Jung, Kim, Woon Young, Lee, Yoon Sook, Chang, Moon Seok, Kim, Jae Hwan, and Park, Young Cheol The effect of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on preoperative anxiety and hemodynamic responses. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2008; 55(6): 657- 661Download Article (English) Download Article (Korean)

Kim, H.J., Kim W.Y., Lee, Y.S., Chang, M.S., Kim, J.H., & Park, Y.C. The effect of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on preoperative anxiety and hemodynamic responses. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2008; 55:657-661.

Chen Yixin, Yu Lin, Zhang Jiuping, Li Lejia, Chen Tunong, Chen Yi. Results of cranial electrotherapy stimulation to children with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry. 2007; 19(4):203-205Download Article in English or Download Article in Chinese

Winick, Reid L. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES): a safe and effective low cost means of anxiety control in a dental practice. General Dentistry. 1999; 47(1):50-55. Download Article

Voris, Marshall D. An investigation of the effectiveness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of anxiety disorders among outpatient psychiatric patients, impulse control parolees and pedophiles. Delos Mind/Body Institute Newsletter. 1995. Dallas and Corpus Cristi, Texas. Download Article

Gibson, Thomas H. and O’Hair, Donald E. Cranial application of low level transcranial electrotherapy vs. relaxation instruction in anxious patients. American Journal of Electromedicine, 4(1):18-21, 1987. Doctoral dissertation (TG), California School of Professional Psychology. 1983. 152 pages. Download Article

Open Clinical Trials

Royal, S., Keeling, S., Kelsall, N., Price, L., Fordham, R., Xydopoulos, G., et al. Feasibility, acceptability and costs of nurse-led Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulation to treat anxiety and depression in university students. BMC Primary Care. 2022; 23:97. Download Article

Griffiths, C., Leathlean, C., Smart, D., Zafar, A., Hall, C-L., & Deeks, S. Alpha-Stim Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) for Anxiety Treatment: Outcomes in a United Kingdom (UK) Primary Care PracticeOpen Journal of Psychiatry. 2021, 11: 186-201. Download Article

Morriss R, Price L. Differential effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on changes in anxiety and depression symptoms over time in patients with generalized anxiety disorderJournal of Affective Disorders. 2020, 277: 785-788. Download Article

Morriss R, Xydopoulos G, Craven M, Price L, Fordham R. Clinical effectiveness and cost minimisation model of Alpha-Stim cranial electrotherapy stimulation in treatment seeking patients with moderate to severe generalised anxiety disorderJournal of Affective Disorders. 2019, June; 253:426-437. Download Article

Platoni K, Oakley R, Haltiwanger SG, Kirsch TB, Marksberry J and Price LR. First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depressionJJ Psych Behav Sci. 2019; 6(1): 25-31. Download Article

Kirsch TB, Kuhn J, Price LR, Marksberry J, Haltiwanger SG. A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachersJournal of Depression and Anxiety. 2019; 8:334. Download Article

Morrow DJ, Fischer EP, Walder AM, Jubran NI. Nonopioid Alternatives to Addressing Pain Intensity: A Retrospective Look at Two Noninvasive Pain Treatment DevicesFederal Practitioner. 2019, 36(4):181-187. Download Article

Yennurajalingam S, Kang D-H, Hwu W-J, Padhye NS, Masino C, Dibaj SS, Liu DD, Williams JL, Lu Z, Bruera E. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the management of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain in patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2018, 55(2): 198–206. Download Abstract

Mellen, Ronald R., Case, Jan and Ruiz, Deanna J. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) As a treatment for reducing stress and improving prefrontal cortex functioning in victims of domestic violence. International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology Newsletter. 48(3):12-15, 2016. Download Article

Bystritsky, A., Kerwin, L., Feusner, J. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008; 69:412-417. Download Article

Lu XY, Wang AH, Li Y, Zhang JS, Liu BX. Safety and effectiveness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in treating children with emotional disorders. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 2005; 9(8):96-7. Download article in English or Download article in Chinese

Overcash, Stephen J. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation in patients suffering from acute anxiety disorders. American Journal of Electromedicine. 1999; 16(1):49-51. Download Article

Case Series and Reports

Hare, Jean P., Misialek, Leah H., Palis, Katy and Wong, Charmin. Using cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy to treat behavioral health symptoms in a combat operational setting. Military Medicine. 2016; 181(11):1410-1412. Download Article

Kirsch, D.L., Price, L.R., Nichols, F., Marksberry, J.A., & Platoni, K.T. Military Service Member and Veteran Self-Reports of Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, and DepressionThe Army Medical Department Journal. 2014; 46-54. Download Article


Graphic Summary of Insomnia Studies – Download PDF

Randomized Controlled Trials

Khyatee, S., Sarker,A., & Aggarwal R. Impact of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Based Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in InsomniaIn: Prateek M., Sharma D., Tiwari R., Sharma R., Kumar K., Kumar N. (eds) Next Generation Computing Technologies on Computational Intelligence. NGCT 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 922. Springer, Singapore, 2019.

Ren, Y., Zhu, Y., Yang, J., & Ding, F. Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation on Anxiety and Sleep Qualities Among Elderly Patients with Chronic Sleep DisordersChinese Journal Modern Nursing. 2019; 25(24).

Bie, H., Ren, L., & Li, X. A control study of a hypnotic drug plus cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of insomniaJournal Clinical Psychosomatic Disorders. 2016; Vol 22, No. 3:17-20.

Kong, J., Wu, J., Jiang, X., et al. Treatment of Sleep Disorder with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Combined with Psychological Counseling in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Study. Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide. 2014; 921, 16(6):(Serial No.128).

Taylor, Ann Gill, Anderson, Joel G., Riedel, Shannon L., Lewis, Jante E., Kinser, Patricia A., and Bourguignon, Cheryl. Cranial electrical stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013 Dec;14(4):327-335. Download article

Qin, S., Sheng, J., Guo, W., Zhang, X. Curative effect of CES as adjuvant therapy on elderly patients with chronic insomniaPractical Geriatrics. 2013; Vol. 27, No. 5:399-402.

Lichtbroun, Alan S., Raicer, Mei-Ming C., and Smith, Ray B. The treatment of fibromyalgia with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2001; 7(2):72-78. Presented at the Fifteenth Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics, Columbia University, New York, October 1999. Download Article

Lande, R. Gregory and Gragnani, Cynthia. Efficacy of cranial electric stimulation for the treatment of insomnia: A randomized pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 21(1):8-13, 2013. Download Article

Open Clinical Trials

Platoni K, Oakley R, Haltiwanger SG, Kirsch TB, Marksberry J and Price LR. First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depressionJJ Psych Behav Sci. 2019; 6(1): 25-31. Download Article

Kirsch TB, Kuhn J, Price LR, Marksberry J, Haltiwanger SG. A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachersJournal of Depression and Anxiety. 2019; 8:334. Download Article

Yennurajalingam S, Kang D-H, Hwu W-J, Padhye NS, Masino C, Dibaj SS, Liu DD, Williams JL, Lu Z, Bruera E. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the management of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain in patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2018, 55(2): 198–206. Download Abstract

Rickabaugh K, Johnson T, Martin S, Jones C and Onifer D. A retrospective review of patient perception of Alpha-Stimulation treatment. Poster presented at The Military Health System Symposium in Kissimmee, Florida. 2016; August 15-18. Download Poster

Case Series and Reports

Hare, Jean P., Misialek, Leah H., Palis, Katy and Wong, Charmin. Using cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy to treat behavioral health symptoms in a combat operational setting. Military Medicine. 2016; 181(11):1410-1412. Download Article

Kirsch, D.L., Price, L.R., Nichols, F., Marksberry, J.A., & Platoni, K.T. Military Service Member and Veteran Self-Reports of Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, and DepressionThe Army Medical Department Journal. 2014; 46-54. Download Article

Clark, Nancy, Mills, Daniel & Marchant, Jeremy. Evaluation of the potential efficacy of the Alpha-Stim SCS in the horse. DeMontfort University Equestrian Centre and Field Station, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. January, 2000Download Article


Graphic Summary of Depression Studies – Download PDF

Randomized Controlled Trials

Kong, S., Gao, C., & Yang, Z. Effects of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation on the Levels of HPA, BDNF and Clinical Symptoms in Patients with Mild Depression. Journal of International Psychiatry. 2021; 48(1).

Gao, C., Kong, S., Duan, H., Yang, Z., Li, D. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on suicidal ideation and event-related potentials in patients with treatment-resistant depression. China Journal of Health Psychology. 2021; 29(2):183-188.

Liu, Y., Xie, L., Wang, L., Zhao, R-J., Xu F., & WANG, W-S. Effect of CES combined with flupentixol-melitracen for depression after strokeChinese Journal of Misdiagnosis. 2021; 16(2):106-109.

Lyu, X. Effect of CES combined with escitalopram on quality of life and activities of daily living of patients with depression after cerebral infarction. Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases. 2018; 21(22).

Roh, HT. & So, W-Y. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation affects mood state but not levels of peripheral neurotrophic factors or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation. Technology and health care: Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine. 2017; 25(3):403–412.

Luo, H-D, Luo, H-L., Hong, L-F. Comparative Observation between Single Use of Fluoxetine and Its Combination with CES. Chin J Mod Drug Appl. 2015; 9(7).

Wang, X., Xia, P., Lin, Q., Cheng, K., Chen, A., Yang, T., & Xueping, L. I. The effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy combined with psychological intervention in treating post-stroke depressionChinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2015; 37(9):680-682.

Kong, J., Wu, J., Jiang, X., et al. Treatment of Sleep Disorder with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Combined with Psychological Counseling in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Study. Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide. 2014; 921, 16(6):(Serial No.128).

Wei Y., Yang Z., Pan H., Zhao S-J., Fang J-Z. Clinical Efficacy of Assisted Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Treatment on Depression. Neural Injury and Functional Reconstruction. July 2014, 9(4):317.

Barclay TH, Barclay RD. A clinical trial of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for anxiety and comorbid depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014; 164:171-177. Presented at the American Psychological Association National Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2013. Download Article

Amr, Mostafa, El-Wasify, Mahmoud, Elmaadawi, Ahmed, Roberts, Jeannie, and El-Mallakn, Rif. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the treatment of chronically symptomatic bipolar patients. Journal of ECT. 2013; 29(2): 31-32. Download Article

Qin, S., Sheng, J., Guo, W., Zhang, X. Curative effect of CES as adjuvant therapy on elderly patients with chronic insomniaPractical Geriatrics. 2013; Vol. 27, No. 5:399-402.

Mellen, Ronald R. and Mackey, Wade. Reducing sheriff’s officers’ symptoms of depression using cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES): a control experimental study. The Correctional Psychologist. 2009; 41(1):9-15. Download Article

Chen Yixin, Yu Lin, Zhang Jiuping, Li Lejia, Chen Tunong, Chen Yi. Results of cranial electrotherapy stimulation to children with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry. 2007; 19(4):203-205. Download Article in English or Download Article in Chinese

Open Clinical Trials

Royal, S., Keeling, S., Kelsall, N., Price, L., Fordham, R., Xydopoulos, G., et al. Feasibility, acceptability and costs of nurse-led Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulation to treat anxiety and depression in university students. BMC Primary Care. 2022; 23:97. Download Article

Morriss R, Price L. Differential effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on changes in anxiety and depression symptoms over time in patients with generalized anxiety disorderJournal of Affective Disorders. 2020, 277: 785-788. Download Article

Platoni K, Oakley R, Haltiwanger SG, Kirsch TB, Marksberry J and Price LR. First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depressionJJ Psych Behav Sci. 2019; 6(1): 25-31. Download Article

Kirsch TB, Kuhn J, Price LR, Marksberry J, Haltiwanger SG. A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachersJournal of Depression and Anxiety. 2019; 8:334. Download Article

Morrow DJ, Fischer EP, Walder AM, Jubran NI. Nonopioid Alternatives to Addressing Pain Intensity: A Retrospective Look at Two Noninvasive Pain Treatment DevicesFederal Practitioner. 2019, 36(4):181-187. Download Article

Yennurajalingam S, Kang D-H, Hwu W-J, Padhye NS, Masino C, Dibaj SS, Liu DD, Williams JL, Lu Z, Bruera E. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the management of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain in patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2018, 55(2): 198–206. Download Abstract

Rickabaugh K, Johnson T, Martin S, Jones C and Onifer D. A retrospective review of patient perception of Alpha-Stimulation treatment. Poster presented at The Military Health System Symposium in Kissimmee, Florida. 2016; August 15-18. Download Poster

Bystritsky, A., Kerwin, L., Feusner, J. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008; 69:412-417. Download Article

Lu XY, Wang AH, Li Y, Zhang JS, Liu BX. Safety and effectiveness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in treating children with emotional disorders. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 2005; 9(8):96-7. Download article in English or Download article in Chinese.

Case Series and Reports

Hare, Jean P., Misialek, Leah H., Palis, Katy and Wong, Charmin. Using cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy to treat behavioral health Symptoms in a combat operational setting. Military Medicine. 2016; 181(11):1410-1412. Download Article

Kirsch, D.L., Price, L.R., Nichols, F., Marksberry, J.A., & Platoni, K.T. Military Service Member and Veteran Self-Reports of Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, and DepressionThe Army Medical Department Journal. 2014; 46-54. Download Article


Graphic Summary of Pain Studies – Download PDF

Randomized Controlled Trials

Taylor, Ann Gill, Anderson, Joel G., Riedel, Shannon L., Lewis, Jante E., Kinser, Patricia A., and Bourguignon, Cheryl. Cranial electrical stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013 Dec;14(4):327-335. Download article

Taylor, Ann Gill, Anderson, Joel G., Riedel, Shannon L., Lewis, Janet E. and Bourguignon, Cheryl. A randomized, controlled, double-blind pilot study of the effects of cranial electrical stimulation on activity in brain pain processing regions in individuals with fibromyalgia. Explore. 2013; 9(1):32-40. Download article

Tan, Gabriel, Rintala, Diana, Jensen, Mark P., Richards, J. Scott, Holmes, Sally Ann, Parachuri, Rama, Lashgari-Saegh, Shamsi and Price, Larry R. Efficacy of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: a multi-site randomized controlled trial with a secondary 6-month open-label phase. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2011; 34(3):285-296. Download article

Rintala, Diana H., Tan, Gabriel, Willson, Pamela , Bryant, Mon S., and Lai, Eugene C. H. Feasibility of using cranial electrotherapy stimulation for pain in persons with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s Disease. 2010. 8 pages. Download Article

Tan, Gabriel, Rintala, Diana H., Thornby, John, Yang, June, Wade, Walter, and Vasilev, Christine. Using cranial electrotherapy stimulation to treat pain associated with spinal cord Injury.Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 2006; 43(4):461-474. Presented at the South Central VA Health Care Network’s Pain Management Initiative 2nd Annual Pain Management Symposium: Campaign Against Pain. Jackson, Mississippi, April 7, 2006. Download Article

Cork, Randall C., Wood, Patrick, Ming, Norbert, Shepherd, Clifton, Eddy, James, Price, Larry The effect of cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) on pain associated with fibromyalgia. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2004; 8(2). Download Article

Tan, G., Rintala, D., Herrington, R., Yang, J., Wade, W., Vasilev, C. and Shanti, B.F. Treating spinal cord injury pain with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2003; 26(3). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Paraplegia Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2-4, 2003. Download Poster

Lichtbroun, Alan S., Raicer, Mei-Ming C., and Smith, Ray B. The treatment of fibromyalgia with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2001; 7(2):72-78. Presented at the Fifteenth Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics, Columbia University, New York, October 1999. Download Article

Sizer P, Sawyer S, Brismee J, Jones K, Bruce J, Slauterbeck J. The effect of microcurrent stimulation on postoperative pain after patellar tendon-bone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana; June, 2000.

Heffernan, Michael. The effect of variable microcurrents on EEG spectrum and pain control. Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine. 1997; 4(10):4-11. Download Article

Zimmerman, Stephen I, & Lerner, Fred N. Biofeedback and electromedicine reduce the cycle of pain spasm pain in low back patients. Medical Electronics. June 1989; 117:108-120. Doctoral dissertation (SZ), City University Los Angeles, 284 pages, 1987. Download Article

Roth, Peter M, & Thrash, William J. Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for controlling pain associated with orthodontic tooth movement. American Journal of Orthodontics. 1986; 90(2):132-138Download Article

Open Clinical Trials

Platoni K, Oakley R, Haltiwanger SG, Kirsch TB, Marksberry J and Price LR. First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depressionJJ Psych Behav Sci. 2019; 6(1): 25-31. Download Article

Kirsch TB, Kuhn J, Price LR, Marksberry J, Haltiwanger SG. A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachersJournal of Depression and Anxiety. 2019; 8:334. Download Article

Morrow DJ, Fischer EP, Walder AM, Jubran NI. Nonopioid Alternatives to Addressing Pain Intensity: A Retrospective Look at Two Noninvasive Pain Treatment DevicesFederal Practitioner. 2019, 36(4):181-187. Download Article

Yennurajalingam S, Kang D-H, Hwu W-J, Padhye NS, Masino C, Dibaj SS, Liu DD, Williams JL, Lu Z, Bruera E. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the management of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain in patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2018, 55(2): 198–206. Download Abstract

Tan, Gabriel, Dao, Tam K., Smith, Donna L., Robinson, Andrew and Jensen, Mark P. Incorporating complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies to expand psychological services to veterans suffering from chronic pain. Psychological Services. 2010; 7(3):148–161. Download Article

Holubec, Jerry T. Cumulative response from cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) for chronic pain. Practical Pain Management. 2009; 9(9):80-83. Download Article

Kulkarni, Arun D. The use of microcurrent electrical therapy and cranial electrotherapy stimulation in pain control. Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine. 2001; 2(2):99-102Download Article

Case Series and Reports

Keizer B, Sposato L, and Yancosek K. A progressive treatment for a chronic progressive disease: the war against complex regional pain syndrome. The Pain Practitioner. 2016; 6(1):26-31. Download Article

Smith, Ray B. Is microcurrent stimulation effective in pain management? An additional Perspective. American Journal of Pain Management. 2001; 11(2):62-66. Download Article

Alpher, Elliott J. and Kirsch, Daniel L. Traumatic brain injury and full body reflex sympathetic dystrophy patient treated with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. American Journal of Pain Management, 8(4):124-128, 1998. Download Article

Bauer, William. Electrical treatment of severe head and neck cancer pain. Archives of Otolaryngology. 1983; 109(6):382-383Download Article


Mechanistic Studies / Mekanistiske studier

Lande GR and Gragnani CT. Prospective study of brain wave changes associated with cranial electrotherapy stimulationPrimary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2018; 20(1). View on PubMed | Download Abstract

Qiao Jainping, Weng Shenhong, Wang Pengwei, Long Jun, and Wang Zhishun. Normalization of intrinsic neural circuits governing Tourette’s Syndrome using cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2015 May;62(5): 1272-80. Download Article

Feusner, J. D., Madsen, S., Moody, T. D., Bohon, C., Hembacher, E., Bookheimer, S. Y. and Bystritsky. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on resting state brain activity. Brain and Behavior. 2012. Pp 1-10Download Article

Kennerly, Richard. Changes in quantitative EEG and low resolution tomography following cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, the University of North Texas. 2006. 529 pp., 81 tables, 233 figures, 171 references. Download Article

Kennerly, Richard. QEEG analysis of cranial electrotherapy: a pilot study. Journal of Neurotherapy. 2004; (8)2. Presented at the International Society for Neuronal Regulation annual conference, September 18-21, 2003 in Houston, Texas. Download Article

Schroeder, M.J., and Barr, R.E. Quantitative analysis of electroencephalogram during cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2001; 112:2075-2083. Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin, 191 pages, 1999. Download Article

Heffernan, Michael. Comparative effects of microcurrent stimulation on EEG spectrum and correlation dimension. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science. 1996; 31(3):202-209. Download Article

Review Articles / Oversiktsartikler

Price, L., Briley, J., Haltiwanger, S. and Hitching, R. A Meta-Analysis of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the Treatment of DepressionJournal of Psychiatric Research. 2021; (135), 119-134. Download Article

Price LR, Briley J, Hitching R. A Meta-Analyses of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the Treatment of InsomniaAnnals of Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2020; 8(3): 1157. Download Article

Aseem A., Hussain M.E. Impact of Cranial Electrostimulation on Sleep: A Systematic Review. Sleep Vigilance. 2019; 3: 101–112. Download Article

Ryall, Jo-Ellyn. FDA moving toward CES neuromodulation approval for home use: are we ready? Missouri Psychiatry. First Quarter- 2017: 3. Download Article

O’Hara, Christiane and Putnam, Helen (Netta). Sleep: the missing link. Sleep assessment and interventions for combat veterans with disrupted sleep. Combat Stress; 6(1): 3-18. Download Article

Scarff, Jonathan R. When to consider cranial electrotherapy stimulation for patients with PTSD. Current Psychiatry. 2017; 16(2): 27-28. Download Article

Massoumi L. Benefits of Alpha-Stim. The Carlat Report: Psychiatry. 2016; 14(11 &12): 1,4-5.

Moehringer J and Knabe MB. Transdermal electrical neurostimulation therapies in psychiatry: A review of the evidence. Psychiatric Annals, 46(10):589-593. Posted October 11, 2016.

Libretto S, Hilton L, Gordon S, and Zhang W. Effects of integrative PTSD treatment in a military health setting. Energy Psychology. 2015; 7(2):33-44. Download article

Daniel L. Kirsch, PhD, DAAPM, FAIS and Jeffrey A. Marksberry, MD, FAIS. The Evolution of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, and Pain and its Potential for Other Indications. Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine. pp 189-212. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Download chapter

Anderson, Joel G., Kebaish, Samy A., Lewis, Janet E., and Taylor, Ann G. (2015). Effects of cranial electrical stimulation on activity in regions of the basal ganglia in individuals with fibromyalgia. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2014; 20(3): 206-207. Download Article

Horowitz, Sala. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2013; 19(4):188-193. Download Article

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Kirsch, Daniel L. and Gilula, Marshall. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of depression – part 1. Practical Pain Management. 2007; 7(4):33-41. Download Article

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Kirsch, Daniel L. and Gilula, Marshall. A review and meta-analysis of cranial electrotherapy Stimulation in the treatment of anxiety disorders – part 1. Practical Pain Management. 2007; 7(2):40-47. Download Article

Kirsch, Daniel L. and Gilula, Marshall. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of anxiety disorders: statistical considerations – part 2. Practical Pain Management. 2007; 7(3):22-39. Download Article

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Gilula, Marshall and Kirsch, Daniel L. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer Alternative to Psychopharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression. Journal of Neurotherapy. 2005; 9(2): 7-26. Download Article

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Kirsch, Daniel L. and Smith, Ray B. The use of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the management of chronic pain: a review. NeuroRehabilitation. 2000; 14(2):85-94. Download Article

Oppdatert November 2022.

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